The Convent/ Retreat
It's one year on since we opened the retreat and things are going great. Of course there have been some minor teething issues, but on the whole nothing very serious.
My mentors in Japan have been a great help with advice on how to organise and run a commune, with some of the instructors from there even paying us a short visit (more on that later).
Our other source of inspiration have been the Buddhist Nuns.
Our other source of inspiration have been the Buddhist Nuns.
All of the four dormitories are occupied with 27 resident girls (excluding the 6 that are now on staff) and their now pretty self sufficient which is good.
I decided to decorate in an eclectic way a mix of Japanese, Chinese and Costa Rican, with functionality and simplicity being the core elements. Also "low maintenance" being important.
I think we did a pretty good job and the girls think it's heaven.
The girls (sisters) are pretty much running the place under M's and Happy's watchful eyes and guidance.
The "old girls" (now snr Sisters/staff) have turned out to be a great asset as the dormitory leaders and the new girls get "orientated" very quickly and for the most part big issues are seen before they happen.
Of course in a community of 30 odd girls, whores and addicts there are times of trouble, but we have only had to dismiss one girl (so far).
I believe that most of the girls realise what a great opportunity this is to change and take control of their lives, for possibly the first time and their not going to waste this chance.
As many have family, either (parents, siblings) and children without a father) to look after, their not stupid (Asian women generally are not) and if they see a good thing they accept it.
Addiction is a terrible curse and takes a lot of effort and willpower to overcome, but once in a loving, safe and caring environment it can be done.
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Cravings can be bad both physically |
and mentally/ emotionally |
Step 1 - Getting in touch with yourself
Probably the hardest part is trying to overcome the addiction while at the same time trying to find and reconnect with your inner self and beauty.
Meditation is something that takes time to master, but we have found it an invaluable tool in many ways.
As to are yoga, capoeira/ wushu and the other sports we encourage.
Building the girls up both physically and mentally is the goal of this step.
Repairing the damages caused can be both painful and enlightening at the same time.
Probably the hardest part is trying to overcome the addiction while at the same time trying to find and reconnect with your inner self and beauty.
Meditation is something that takes time to master, but we have found it an invaluable tool in many ways.
As to are yoga, capoeira/ wushu and the other sports we encourage.
Building the girls up both physically and mentally is the goal of this step.
Repairing the damages caused can be both painful and enlightening at the same time.
Step 2- Activities of daily loving & living
Love myself first and love others. Confucius put woman in the class of property (men's property) first their father, then their husbands, women could be treated any way you liked. This still prevails today and it's not going to change any time soon.
So for women happiness (inner happiness) is complex, how to achieve it, well start simply and stay simply.
Divorce inner happiness from needing "meat sticks" they are good for money and their DNA, nothing else in a practical sense (Hey, they created patriarchy, not us).
Emotionally if you one of the few real and true 100% straight women, then I'm no help to you as you were genetically born missing something (the lesbian gene) and therefore to be a slave to men appears as natural to them.
But for the majority of women we can simply divorce the sex with men as being a practical/ physical thing as compared to sex with women which is the true emotional love for women.
The apparent rise in the number of "Bisexual " women in the USA and Europe in recent years is testimony to that.
Of course the straight women, knowing they are missing some genetic code and therefore are stuck to men become the homophobic straight woman that support patriarchy and monogamy so very vocally.
But I digress, it's not hard really to find yourself and love yourself.
We use a lot of yoga, meditation, gardening, cooking and caring for each other as our tools, simple and basic.
Step 3 - It's my life and my responsibility
You are what you eat and cook and not just in a physical or digestive sense.
Self discipline:
This can be a tricky one, as many of the girls have had no role models (good ones, that is) in their lives to emulate and reflect.
So self discipline can be a issue with many. This is one of the reasons why we decided to structure along the lines of a "order" and worked very closely with the Buddhist nuns on structure, rules, discipline, roles and expectations.
Certainly, by putting responsibility for the daily running, cooking, maintenance helps as does the Yoga,Wushu etc..,
Step 4 - Growing of wings
Physical, emotional and psychological growth.
whores (well all women for that matter) have things stuffed into their vagina's for the other persons sexual pleasure and the result is the de-sensitivity of the vagina and the loss of connections between her pussy and her emotions and mind.
All we have to do is look at any Internet sex forum and read all the posts by women that have no emotion left in sex and the billions of complaining husbands.
However the fact that most men have absolutely no idea how to sexually please a woman is a different matter, just remember they really are only in the most part interested in one thing - their ejaculation and into any women.
Well as long as they have the $$$ to do it, no problem.
However the retreat is not about excusing men or their sad straight wives, but for us the whores.
Physical, emotional and psychological growth.
whores (well all women for that matter) have things stuffed into their vagina's for the other persons sexual pleasure and the result is the de-sensitivity of the vagina and the loss of connections between her pussy and her emotions and mind.
All we have to do is look at any Internet sex forum and read all the posts by women that have no emotion left in sex and the billions of complaining husbands.
However the fact that most men have absolutely no idea how to sexually please a woman is a different matter, just remember they really are only in the most part interested in one thing - their ejaculation and into any women.
Well as long as they have the $$$ to do it, no problem.
However the retreat is not about excusing men or their sad straight wives, but for us the whores.
I can't talk about western women as most appear to be so out of touch with their femininely ( they even wax their pubic hairs off, ( crabs caught from men and the prepubescent fantasy of western men are the reasons for that I guess), but luckily Asian women love being women and all we have to do is reconnect that.
Lesbian lovers |
Work training:
Work training, you may ask why ?
It is entirely the choice of each girl to return to prostitution ,or not. There are other things they are taught and there's plenty of other ways to contribute.
1. Prostitution
Although all the girls are highly experienced prostitutes, few have had any formal training in singing, dance, massage, role-play,bdsm , fetish play or tantric sex.
So quite some time is taken up learning and practising those things.
However a lot of time is also spent on discovering successful and none chemical methods of separating the physical aspects of the work from your emotions and mind.
Now in regard to BDSM, this is an area of great concern to us.
As a lot of the girls were trafficked slaves, they obviously have traumatic experiences in regard to this (BDSM).
BDSM should in my view only be practised by consenting adults not by the forced.
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Penis dissociation training |
Learning to put on a show |
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Bondage |
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and BDSM training |
Massage :
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
The goal being that once they leave here they can start a business in any one or a combination.
So much of each day is spent in "classes" of one sort or another.
Step 5 - Flying like a Butterfly with the strength of a Dragon.
Bringing it all together, in other words the blending together of all that they have learnt about themselves, coping skills/ life skills, work skills and becoming a strong woman.
The Yakuza visit the Triads (well not really)
I must admit I was a nervous as hell to present our retreat to them and to see them again.
we spent a lot of time getting ready and the girls could tell this was a big deal for me so every one pitched in with cleaning and getting spruced up.
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Gemstone cleaning their room |
Japanese Commune boss inspects one of the girls |
It was certainly interesting to have them visit and again I learnt a lot from them. The boss seemed pretty happy and said she knew I would always become like her a boss.
That night myself, Gemstone and her dined alone, I very much had the impression that my "promotion " is now official.
The sex between the three of us was just out of this world. Either one has and does turn me into jelly on their own, but with the two of them, well lets just say I didn't get up the next day.
Occasionally meat sticks do intrude onto our retreat, no they don't get sex, but a offer they can't refuse.
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An intruding meat stick (little brain engorged) |
Step 6 work release (optional)
Remember that most of the girls have years of prostitution behind them, but all they remember is being "chemically numb" so doing it without the adjunct of drugs can be unnerving.
Remember that most of the girls have years of prostitution behind them, but all they remember is being "chemically numb" so doing it without the adjunct of drugs can be unnerving.
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On placement in a resort |
M escorting a girl to meet a client |
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Parlour work |
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Hotel work |
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Hooking without Heroin, anxious |
However after the first few times, they quickly realise that drugs are no longer necessary as now they are in charge.
If they can pass all these stages then they can move on to the next step .
If they can pass all these stages then they can move on to the next step .
Step 7 Graduation
Yes we held a graduation celebration, it's very Asian and very girly but that's what we are.
There are 2 parts, the first being the "Princess party" a celebration of 1 year off of drugs and herself.
The Princess party
There are 2 parts, the first being the "Princess party" a celebration of 1 year off of drugs and herself.
The Princess party
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Gemstone at the party |
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Me at the party |
Getting ready in the dorm |
The second part is formally joining the "sisterhood".
This is optional as well, the girls are free to choose.
This is optional as well, the girls are free to choose.
However, he's the thing.
The girls once graduated know that they are now our "sisters" a part of a family and are expected to behave and conduct them selves as such.
This is important to many Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, .. etc. as family commitment is a life long serious bond.
So I'm not sure this approach would world work with western girls as the west has lost any real sense of family responsibility and and interdependence.
This sense of sister and family can be most clearly seen in the "Dorm Leaders".
Many of the girls return to Asia (or will) but with new powers and under new circumstances.
Dormitory life and living
Dorm 1 , new arrivals with their dorm leaders |
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Dorm 2 , in the wash house getting told off for something |
They seem to a lot of fun in the dorms:
Birthday party |
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Dorm party |
Group bathing is always fun |
Practising their self defence ? |
Lesbian love in the dorm |
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Volleyball against a local lesbian team |
The wonderful thing is having watched them Change from very sad, diseased young slaves into themselves, the beautiful women they are.
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